20 March 2011

beach bum baby...

We just took a three day vacation to Charleston, SC with David's side of the family. It was just what we needed....a few days of sand, surf, family, and fun times. We flew for the first time with Ethan and are happy to report Ethan loved flying! He asked for "more" as the flight ended! However, when you are flying with your two cousins, two aunts, uncle, mom, and dad of course the flight was fun!

After two hours {not quite, but almost} of prepping all the kids in sunscreen, hats, bathing suits, beach towels, food, and sand castle gear we were finally ready to hit the beach. Here is a photo of Ethan all prepped:

David and I were curious to see how he would react to the ocean and sand since the only time he had been at the beach was when he was 3 months old. We couldn't help but to laugh because the boy was soooooo excited he ran and ran and ran and ran. Seriously, Ethan probably ran about 4 miles that day! Back and forth to the water's edge scooping sand and shells. David and I agree we have a little beach bum baby. Here are a few more photos:

We spent the rest of our time eating...and eating....and eating. We went and bought fresh shrimp right off the shrimp boat basically. This is a "David" tradition. He loves to cook his own sea food every time we go to the beach.

All and all it was soooo nice just to get away and just be with family and laugh! I somehow managed to break two iphones {yes two}, David dropped our rental car keys down the elevator shaft, and almost left our car keys in Charleston. Hence the laughing. We were a little sad to leave sweet beach life behind, but it is always nice to come home and just kick a soccer ball around in the back yard after dinner.

**** I would like to add a big thank you to Carolyn V. who made my blog so adorable all the way from Austria! The blog is now public which means no password is needed to log on to it. Thanks again Carolyn.


Carolyn said...

You're so welcome! I'm jealous of your fabulous time in Charleston.