09 July 2012

Bennett at 4 Months...

Our Baby Bennett is now 4 months old.  I had forgotten how much fun it is to watch them wake up from the newborn stage and become aware of the world around them.  I feel like every picture I take of him he is in the activity gym....but he loves it.  Bennett loves to cooo and squeal- he will be a talker.

During tummy time he turns himself in complete circles playing with toys.  The first time he rolled from tummy to back I missed it.  I was in the other room folding laundry.  I remember crying with Ethan when I missed him rolling while I was a work.  I had to laugh that despite now that I only working one day a week...I still missed a first - because of laundry no less.  Ethan was so excited over Bennett's rolling.  He is loving Bennett being more and more interactive.  In fact Ethan gets all of Bennett's big laughs and squeals these days.

Bennett's dark hair fell out and his blond hair is growing in.  He is very intrigued with watching his big brother play.  He loves his hands and sucks on his fingers and thumbs.  He loves to be strolled around the neighborhood.  He has started to enjoy the pool.  I am now trying to get him on a 4 hour schedule and have a nap time.  I think this is the hardest thing about having two kids:  balancing sleep for Bennett and playtime outside of the house for Ethan.  Hopefully, as Bennett gets older and naps less this will be easier to balance.

I am still on my MSPI diet:  milk and soy free.  Some days are easier than others.  I think honestly the worst part of the diet is the self blame you put on yourself when your baby is fussy.  If he is fussy or upset I always question my diet.  I had tried to reintroduce soy, but cut it back out.  I will say the moment I can eat pizza and yogurt again, I will be a very happy woman.

I have returned to work a few days after Bennett turned 4 Months.  I must say Ethan seemed to take it harder than Bennett did.  Someone once told me "the older your kids get, the more they need you.  When they become teenagers, they say they don't but they do more than ever."  Anyhow, work has been great and makes me grateful and count my blessings every time I go.  Its been great to catch up with friends and coworkers and talk about my boys of course!

4 month chair photos


Nana/aka Mum said...

Bennett is growing so fast. His blue eyes are just like his mommy. He is just like his big brother and seems to pose for the camera. What two beautiful boys. I am the luckiest Nana and MUM in the world. Hugs, Kisses with lots of love!