As we all know I am a nurse in the NICU. I have "runs" of good days where I witness nothing but the endless love and hope parents have for their babies. I think of the neonatal ICU as a roller coaster. The ups and downs is enough to make event the most hopeful parents nauseated. Lately, I am guilty of bringing my work home with me. I have taken care of so many babies where their little life has been full of more challenges than my 28 year old mind can comprehend. Some of the babies stories are more complicated than the typical preemie course. I have told David multiple times that if I could bring babies home from work that need love our house would be full of babies. I think my fellow nurses do a great job and fostering love whenever possible....whether it be immediately following a surgery or in the last moments when parents can't find the strength to be present. I have noticed that simple things such as normal, sweet blankets put in the incubators help moms and dads forget for a moment about the diagnosis and focus on the baby. That is why last year I started a blanket drive "Swaddled in Love" for the babies around Valentines Day. The goal was to receive donations of blankets that are perfect for swaddling. We gathered over 300 blankets. The blankets stay in the NICU and are used from patient to patient (sterilized of course!). It is a great way give back to the babies and families by offering a soft blanket to be comforted by for both the babies and parents. This year I am going to have our Second Annual Swaddled in Love Blanket Drive. If you are interested in donating a receiving blanket, contact me.
This is the sweetest thing ever! I love the idea. I will definitely donate, but I am going to your post on my blog and see if we can go national!!! So sweet, your post made me cry!
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