05 January 2010


our big moment in 2009
I always love to hear other's resolutions for each new year. Mine always seem a little a dull and expected: eat better, pray more, workout on a regular basis, stop saying bad words, and such. This year, I want to focus on doing things that make you feel good inside and out. Yeah, I know, kinda a broad topic. However, this works into my day to day and I believe the less complicated the resolution is, the easier it is to be mindful and try to adhere to it. Here are a few of my favorite resolutions I've heard other's say:

~ "I am a planner, list maker, and a do-things-by-the-book kind of gal. This year I am going to throw all that stuff out and focus on the present" (a resolution that sounds perfect for me)
~change hundreds of diapers, sleep less, fold lots of onesies and love my new baby will all my heart and soul (mom-to-be)
~"I will use the computer less and spend time in the real world, with my young children"
~"Work harder at accepting people the way they are"
~"be a better person"

Whatever resolution you made this year, I hope 2010 brings peace and joy to you and your family. 2009 was an amazing year for us...the year we were given our sweet baby boy. It was also a year that we watched the economy head south and watched our family and friends experience the effects. However, it made us all slow day and focus on what is really important to us. Cheers to 2010!


Mum aka Nana said...

Wow...what a fast year but what a very special year 2009 turned out to be...So blessed to have Ethan come into our lives and warm our hearts like they have never been warmed before.
...Thank you Scarlett and David!

Resolutions...MMMMM...I'll keep them to myself!

Hugs and Kisses with lots of love!

Two Little Bugs and a Bichon said...

Love the new blog background! Had my eye on that one!! Love your resolution, I tend to never set them because I forget them by February!!!!!!!