03 December 2010

give thanks....

This Thanksgiving, we celebrated twice: once in Gatlinburg and once at our house. We have so much to be thankful for, where do we begin? I for one can't help but to think of the irony of this Thanksgiving and last year's. Last year we drove through a neighborhood looking at lots for sale as we made our way to my mom's house. This year we hosted thanksgiving in that very neighborhood in our new home. We had planned to host Thanksgiving for my Grandad and Ruthie, who lost their home in the May Flood. However, my grandfather passed a few months prior and Ruthie was too busy moving into her new home to come to the dinner. That being said, I am thankful for my home and what home means: it is where you watch your children grow and change everyday, where you look forward to being after a long day at work, where you laugh with your husband, home is well....where your family is.....or as some say where your heart is.

Ethan this Thanksgiving Day...sporting a black eye
Ethan last year at Thanksgiving.... He's grown a little bit:)
Thanksgiving in Gatlinburg with the Andersons
Papa and Ethan playing with his Train
Thanksgiving at our house
My Mom and I cooking...first year allowed in the kitchen:) It is time
for me to learn how to cook mom's special mac and cheese.


Mum aka Nana said...

What a wonderful Thanksgiving this was. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful loving family and truly blessed to have that special little man in our lives. The food was wonderful and have no doubt that Scarlett can make my mac & cheese. Love you all with lots of hugs and kisses.