Yesterday was Ethan's very first day at day school. We started the morning off a little grumpy. Notice every photo I tried to take of him is his backside? He thought it was funny and wouldn't let me get a good shot! Remember how nervous I was to pack his little lunch? Well, I decided to go with the obvious: Peanut butter and jelly sandwich (the name of school lead me to this one), veggie straws, applesauce, and grapes (his class is called the "Great Grapes."
notice how big is lunch box is compared to him!
right before walking in!
I was so pleased with how short our drive was to school. Then I realized, okay, now I have to leave him! We walked into class after scanning my finger print checking Ethan in. My how things have changed since I was young! Ethan went straight for the trains and airplanes while I spoke with this teacher. Then I made the mistake of kissing him bye.....he started crying and clinging and then I started crying! Yes, in the classroom, it wasn't embarrassing at all. His teacher scooped him up and out I went.
As I drove to Starbucks, I thought "what now?" I decided to clean the house to keep my mind busy. I bought a new album on itunes, cranked it up, and started cleaning. Who knew how much more effective cleaning was when you can do it all at once!
I couldn't wait to pick him up! As soon as he saw me he burst into tears as he was walked out to the car! Poor little man! I guess I never told him I would pick him back up???? Next time we will go over that! He seemed to have a great first day. Apparently, he calmed down as soon as I left, went potty at school, and got a little scrap on his knee at the playground.
Later that night David and I got a big laugh as we took his bandaid off his knee. First of all, he WON'T wear bandaids normally. We took off his bandaid and squinted...where's the boo boo?
getting walked out to the car before he spotted me