10 November 2011

label it...

The weather is cooler which means it is time to bundle up your little one.  Now that Ethan is in school, this means I had to find a way to put his name on everything:  hats, gloves, sippy cups, lunch boxes, school totes.  The southern girl in me is always eager to slap a monogram on anything.  But unless you own your own machine, it gets a little pricy putting your kiddos name on everything.  

So I wanted to share with you some products that I have found that have made my life easier, especially when sending your tot to school.

The first product I found are Inchbug's Orbit labels for sippy cups.  They were actually recommended to me by a friend at work.  They work on multiple types of sippy cups and are dishwasher friendly---aka---can survive at my house.

What I most recently found was Ethan's day school was asking that all coats, hats, gloves, etc be labeled.  I had already found that my sharpie marker would bleed on the labels of his lovies, etc.  My fingers then went to google and I found several products for clothes.  My favorite was Name Bubble's bitty bubble.  First of all they come in a huge variety of colors and styles.  They had a more mature monogram style, but I choose the preschool label with the train icon in the center.  I thought if you had two small kids who can't read {hello, Courtney!} they could simply identify the icon such a train or plane.  Within minutes, I had labeled all of Ethan's coats, jackets, mittens, hats, and even a lovie.   

Have fun labeling....I did!


Christy Veal said...

Ooh! Love this! I hadn't seen these before. :-)