09 January 2012


Can I say how good it feels to be home today?
After a bizarre 3 days where people out in the world say mean things...
home is good--- especially when I am hanging with these two guys.

now if we can teach others to ...
not say anything at all unless it nice just like your momma told you
we all might smile a little more


Sara said...

Ah I agree completely!! I've been hearing people choose a "word of the year" for 2012, and I've decided mine is going to be KINDNESS. In my job I deal w/a lot of people who are needlessly rude, and I am sick of it. I've challenged myself to only respond with kindness and grace every single time (instead of feeling defeated or angry). And - I'm going to out of my way to be extra kind to others, just in case they had a day where someone was rude/mean to them too! I know it lifts me up when people go out of their way to be kind and thoughtful, and hopefully I can help lift up others too once in awhile!

Ignore the mean things, be HAPPY, and focus on the good :)