Today Ethan bear is 2 weeks old! I get teary just thinking about the day he was born and how it seems as though it was just yesterday. Every day goes faster than the day before. My friends have warned me how fast times goes...they have been right!
Today was the first day I've been home with Ethan without visitors or his Nana or Grandma here (his daddy was working). So far so good (but we still have a few hours to go)! Our plans for an afternoon stroll were derailed by a few summer thunderstorms. No big deal except Alex was nervous nelly for an hour or so!
Happy 2 week old birthday baby boy. Your Nana loves you so much. You are the most handsome lil' man in the whole wide world.
I am glad you and your Mommy had a great day together today; although I did miss you both. Lots of love, hugs and kisses sent your way!
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